Thursday, February 7, 2013

Fees, Fines and Penalties > The Apple in the pie died long ago

The apple in the American Pie has died long ago.  No longer can we walk up where we can find day work but giving a ticket to a homeless person almost consistantly costs more than it's worth.  A 1,000 fine for a sick, ill or person welfare reflects a society bent on destroying those who cannot fight back.

If you can't pay the fees you probably have trouble paying for food as well many are on EBT (Cal Fresh)

What I've seen in Chico, Oroville, Berkeley, and some parts of San Francisco works well.  The big fear around here is that the universe will close in and the hords will come seeking the cracks and crevices.  

A uniform guidance policy with a clear approach will lighten the load on the courts, patrols and legal system.  

There are many homeless that are willing to work but have challenges such as ID, birth certificates, and proof of residency. 

Keep out the system